If you're currently going through a personal financial crisis, most likely you are feeling symptoms of stress and depression. These are very typical conditions associated with experiencing the traumatic experience of overwhelming debt. Being under this much stress can effect your judgment and you may be tempted to jump to a seemingly good option that can end your financial troubles.
There are a number of ways to approach and find a solution to your personal financial crisis. First, you must take a good inventory of the source of your financial troubles. Who do you owe money to and how much? This is important because if the source of your debts is consumer debt, then personal bankruptcy maybe an option. However if your debts are tax bills, gambling debts, student loans or money you owe due to law suits, you may be able to use the services of a debt consolidation firm.
In the case of tax bills, it is often better to consult with a tax attorney as they are much better at dealing with the IRS and may be able to negotiate a better repayment plan.
Americans have gotten themselves in a lot of debt in the last decade, starting with the housing bubble that left many with a lot of mortgage debt and very little sustainable value. If the source of your debts is consumer credit cards, personal loans or mortgages, you could take one of two routes, one is to restructure your debts with debt consolidation or chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Many people see filing bankruptcy as a very negative thing, but it is a legal right afforded to all American citizens under federal law that can save you from debt collectors and further debt. Your personal financial crisis can start to ease up as soon as you take the first step by consulting with bankruptcy attorney.
Want to end your financial struggles once and for all? Start feeling better immediately, get a 100% Free Bankruptcy Evaluation. You have no obligation to file, learn the facts about your case and find out which bankruptcy chapter can help you end your personal financial crisis once and for all.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chass_Perez
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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